Monster Hunter: Movie Review
So it was a chill afternoon when I opened a bag on chips and looked around in my Netflix list in search of an interesting movie. I was debating wether to watch Troll, Rebel Moon and Monster Hunter.
After watching the trailers, Monster Hunter looked the most appealing to me. The trailer was full of tension, very thrilling and action-packed. It looked really promising to me, I didn't waste another second and started the movie.
This is a PG13 movie and is inspired by a video game series by the same name. This made me even more curious, because I watched Warcraft (another movie inspired by a video game) so I had really high expectations of it.
Captain Artemis and her security team are in search of a lost team of soldiers in the middle of the desert, when suddenly a heavy thunder storm pulls them in a portal to the New world, where they find the missing soldiers. But then they have to face the beasts if the world, which is quite a challenge.
After that they.... Go watch it already!
The trailer is extremely convincing and so are the actors, Ku2 to the! If you are a fan of action, adventure and most of all science-fiction and video games, this is nice movie to watch. One thing I really enjoyed was the CGI in the movie, they did a great job there. I love the fact that the beasts all gave off that realistic feel which literally made me jump sometimes.
Now, I want to make one thing clear before I continue, which is the fact that this is a movie review and is written with no intention to offend anyone in any way.
Now, I’m going to spoil the film a little, so if you haven’t watched it yet, you might want to skip this section: I want to talk about somethings which could have been improved.
Firstly, I want to take a look at the plot of the movie. I personally thought the movie was fast-paced and predictable. I didn't really get that wow factor while watching it. I wanted to stop half way the movie, because it was getting boring for me. But that's just my opinion.
To explain a little more, the fact that everyone died in the beginning of the movie came over abrupt to me. And then the sudden resurrection of Captain Artemis to fulfill the need of having a protagonist. I didn't really like that.
Milla Jovovich, did an amazing job portraying Captain Artemis and her acting was on point. The role was also really made for her, but the script of the movie didn't really make an impact on me.
Next, the ending. I completely understand that an open end with a cliffhanger leaves room for a sequel and keeps the viewers hooked, but I didn't really feel that. I think the whole way that the movie goes, with all the challenges that are faced by the characters I think a calm ending would do.
Overall, the actors and producers did a nice job and the CGI was really impressive in my opinion. The creation of strong characters is also a beauty of this movie. But to be honest, I didn't enjoy the movie and I wouldn't recommend it if you aren't a sci-fi and video games fan.
Are you a video gamer? If you are go watch Monster Hunter now. Press that Netflix button!
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